What is New on TheFaithfulWord.org
Earlier the following new articles were posted:
- Strange Fire, by John MacArthur, book review written by C.W.Booth
- "My God, why have You forsaken Me?" Detailed theological exploration of Jesus' use of Psalm 22:1 (did Jesus endure Hell or give the "Scream of the Damned"?)
- Original Sermons written and delivered by C.W.Booth
- Evidences of the Supernatural Origin of Scripture: Prophecies That Still Convince Me
- Was Christ Jesus A Myth Derived from Mithra, the Persian Sun God?
- Breaking a Curse: Magic, Witchcraft, and the Christian
- The Complement of Flattery
- Cussin' (Use of Cursing, Swear Words, and Foul Language by Christians
- Unconditional Forgiveness--Is It?
- Far Better to Strive For Christ than Against Him--A Study of Jacob
- Hedonists by Nature but Not by Rebirth
- Joy and Strength (A Reflection on Nehemiah 8:10)
- The Five "Solas"
- Jane's Homemade Soup Recipes from Her Booth Family Cookbook
- “I Am Sorry You Were Offended” and Other Insincere Apologies
- Halloween Bible Tract in Word format (printing instructions on last page of document)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Forgiveness
- What is Biblical Forgiveness, and Who Should be Forgiven?
- It is What You Say, Not How You Say It
- Passover Celebration: Conducting a Representative Seder
- Presenting a Gospel Witness to the Japanese
- Archived postings from C. W. Booth's blog (His Master's Voice).
- 10 Part Series on Love:
- The Sum of All Scriptures
- Love -- In Deed
- Love and Spiritual Gifts
- Pursue Love
- The Element of Emotion in Love
- Angry, Sorrowful, and Zealous, But Still In Love
- Loving Action--The Goal of All Emotion
- Knowledge Makes Arrogant, But Love…
- Trumping Love
- Sacrifices of Love
Future Articles to be Posted
Future articles are now under prioritization
To those who have taken the time to write personal e-mails, thank you. It is my intent to respond to all genuine e-mail within 7 calendar days (spam is not genuine e-mail, of course, and such will not receive personal responses). Also, please consider leaving a public comment on the Forum or in the Guestbook; though I do not always respond personally to those postings, I do read them.
Thank you again for taking the time to read TheFaithfulWord.org.
In the Service of Christ,
C. W. Booth
Every action we take in our life is a choice. Our choices are made on the basis of our value systems, how we evaluate good from bad. Our value systems are grounded in our deepest-held beliefs; and beliefs are those things we have come to honestly hold as "the truth".
Doctrines, as we will define them here, are the teachings we derive from the Scriptures. These teachings are the fundamental building blocks of all we believe about God, spirituality, and righteous living.
If our doctrines are biblically accurate, we have a good basis for choosing to do "the right thing". If our doctrines of holiness and pure living are correctly developed from scripture we have the proper rule set by which to choose how to live. If we have sound doctrine on God's love, final judgement, and eternity, we have the necessary foundation for being motivated to choose right behavior.
Our doctrine is not merely reflected in our behavior, our doctrine (our beliefs) drive our behavior. Therefore, this site is biased toward studying doctrine in a manner that directly relates the Christian life to how God has called us to live.
"in all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignified," Titus 2:7 NASB
A Brief Word
The Faithful Word.org is a relatively new site. It began posting articles in September of 2002. If your desired category is not yet populated with articles, please return in a week or two (we are operating with a very small volunteer staff).
If you do not see the category of doctrine for which you have an interest, please send us an e-mail explaing your specific area of interest. If the topic is within our own domain of interest and experience, we may consider researching an article in that area.
Thank you for your kind visit. We hope you found it useful and edifying.
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Site Last Revised: September 17, 2013